
Heathkit cr-1 crystal radio performance
Heathkit cr-1 crystal radio performance

The efficiency of the headphones, ideally used with a low-loss high ratio 200-500 k Ohm matching transformer is a major factor for best results, tho this arrangement produces good results with stronger local AM stations with a modest long wire antenna and ground connection on a decent 2000 Ohm headset.The inexpensive Bogen T725 line transformer can be used as a basic matching transformer to improve performance, see the 'net for info. A classic Marconi wireless era circuit with modern components.I've fooled with a few homebuilts based on this circuit with more efficient low-loss parts, and the DX performance with reasonable selectivity can be astonishing. I always said that I put up more antennas in snow storms than I did in warm weather.

heathkit cr-1 crystal radio performance

My last one came down in a storm a couple of years ago. I am really excited about it and can’t wait to string up a longwire antenna for it and my other shortwave radios. I have been patiently looking for another one at yard sales and antique stores for more than ten years. Unfortunately, I lost track of it over the years. That is what started my interest in electronics and led to a lifetime hobby and a career involving electronics in one way or another.

heathkit cr-1 crystal radio performance

I was completely taken by surprise when I opened the box and saw what was inside.What makes this so special for me is that the CR-1 is the first radio that I built with my dad back in roughly 1960 (please don’t do the math!). She found a near mint looking model and wrapped it in a small space heater box. My daughter gave me a wonderful surprise for Christmas today, a Heathkit CR-1 crystal radio.

heathkit cr-1 crystal radio performance

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Heathkit cr-1 crystal radio performance